I know, I've been a bad blogger. I never would want to use the word BUSY as a reason. I believe I can always make time if I will. I've had added workloads this year though. Half the time computing and calculating. And when my brains do the math very often, I forget how it is to flirt with words.
One more legit reason?...

How legit is that?... This is taking most of my time in the world wide web. I've been so hooked with my farm! Virtual it may be, but I've taken care of this parcel like for real. But then I guess "farming" makes me a lousy blogger. It wanders me off from weaving and knitting sentences. phrases. paragraphs.
Only lately that I have felt the burning passion to write again. Burning and flaming, I refuse to ignore. In my heart I really love to write. So I hope this burning stays awhile.
A BAD blogger, that's what I am too. And no, busy isn't an excuse. Glad to "see" you blogging. At least one of us is doing it. ;)
I remember the time I regretted why I stopped writing for so long a time. So i keep reminding myself para no regrets again. And writing, like any other commitments, is a decision and not just based on feelings such as "burning passion".
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